How to save tattoos?

This page explains how you can save a player's tattoos to your database.

Depending on what your Config.useSkinchanger is set to, its a bit different how to get your tattoo object.

Config.useSkinchanger = false

If this is set to false, you can find the tattoo object in the skin object after a player has created his character. You can get them via skin.tattoos as you can see below

    if skin then
        local tattoos = skin.tattoos
        TriggerServerEvent("someEventToSaveYourTattoos", tattoos)

On the server, the only thing you have to do is to encode the object with json.encode and store it in your database.

Config.useSkinchanger = true

If this is set to true, the tattoo object is returned as an extra parameter when the player finished creating his / her character.

exports["nvx_charcreator"]:OpenCreator(function(skinFormattedForSkinchanger, tattoos)
    TriggerServerEvent("someEventToSaveYourTattoos", tattoos)

If you want to get a players tattoos after character creation, just use the GetTattoos export.

Last updated